Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rock Star Toes!

So I had my first Rock Star pedicure last night!

So the latest trend in the Industry is “the Rock Star Pedicure”. I thought to myself, self its time to take the chance and try something new besides the same old red or pink polish on my toes. I took the plunge yesterday and tried something a little extra girly this season-the “Rock Star Pedicure”.

Q. What is a Rock Star Pedicure- you may ask? A. The Rock Star Pedicure is basically a “Gelicure” you perform your traditional prep work on the toes- nipping, shaping and grooming of the toenails. Then after the toenails are fully prepared a thin coat of clear gel is applied to the 4 smaller toes and a sprinkle of small glitter additive is coated over the wet gel then cured for 3 minutes under a UV lamp. After all 4 toes are done work on the big toe and repeat the process. For a final finish off, another thin coat of clear UV gel is applied and cured for 3 minutes to seal in the glitter.

This type of pedicure is a pedicure that will last anywhere between 6-8 weeks and the shine is unbelievable! I recently had this pedicure done on my own feet and my toes are twinkling this spring with a fresh burnt orange glitter. My toes are now ready for flip-flop season! I am excited to wear out my new pedicure style. I am sure it will have a lot of attention drawn to it because the sparkle is remarkable! Try something new this season; don’t be afraid to take a chance. Having an original style on your toes is a great way to express your style & individuality.

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